Friday, May 22, 2020
The Depression Of Manic Depression - 1165 Words
For my research paper, I decided to look into Manic Depression. I have chosen to write about this topic because I have been personally dealing with this disorder since about eight years old. Manic Depression is usually referred to as Bipolar Disorder, but when I tell someone that I am Bipolar, they just think that it means I get angry easily. People seem to take me more seriously when I refer to it as Manic Depression. I used to have to take a wide variety of medications and go to counseling when I was younger because I was having struggles with suicidal urges. Recently it has gotten significantly worse since the death of my father due to a stroke in 2012. This is a very serious topic for me because it has made and will continue to make my life more difficult than it needs to be. Manic Depression first started to get looked into in Greece during the 1st century by Aretaeus of Cappadocia. The research he did was not acknowledged for many centuries after. The terms manic and depressive come from the ancient Greek terms mania and melancholia. The ancient Greeks and Romans learned that lithium could be used to treat the manically depressed people by bathing with lithium salt. In this era, it was very common for the deeply religious dogma of the time to execute people that suffered from bipolar disorder or any other mental disorders. During the 17th century, a book named â€Å"The Anatomy of Melancholy†was written by Robert Burton. The book covered different forms of treatment forShow MoreRelated manic depression Essay1086 Words  | 5 Pages MANIC DEPRESSION Estimates say that about 2 and a half million Americans suffer from manic depressive illness. Also called bipolar disorder, this mental illness involves episodes in which a persons mood alternates between extreme mania and depression. A person may experience pressure and racing thoughts and speech, and often uncontrolled reckless behavior. Two thirds of those who suffer from bipolar illness have numerous episodes of recurrences of alternating phases. Most people suffering fromRead MoreBipolar Disorder or Manic Depression719 Words  | 3 PagesBipolar disorder is also known by many as manic depression. It is a serious mental disorder that is associated by sever changes in a person’s mood, the mood changes range from feeling low and depressed to being manic, these changes are the typical symptoms of Bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder is a mental illness caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain, and can be managed with therapy and medication. The episodes can last for days, hours or can be very short. Bipolar disorder affects both womenRead MoreManic Depression And The Gemini Disorder Essay1490 Words  | 6 PagesManic depression, or â€Å"The Gemini disorder†is most commonly known as Bipolar Disorder. This illness is a brain disorder, which causes abrupt and unusual mood shifts. These irritable mood shifts can be related to the individual’s energy, activity levels, o r their ability to carry out daily tasks. This disorder goes beyond the ordinary mood swings we all are aware of. Manic depression has three forms that are characterized as periods of acute elevation of elatedness, or irritability. More often thanRead MoreSymptoms And Treatments Of Manic Depression1005 Words  | 5 Pagesto home for me, manic depression also known as bipolar depression. This mental illness hits a very touchy spot for, because when I was 14 I was diagnosed with PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), as well as manic depression. The form of therapy from chapter 13, I will be discussing is psychopharmacology also known as drug therapy. Manic depression and drug therapy are closely related. Drug therapy is one of the most common treatments for manic depression. What is manic depression and how is it treatedRead MoreManic Depression : An Effective Disorder952 Words  | 4 Pagespsychiatrically labeled as Manic Depression. Sometimes individuals have good days or ba d days, or just simply feel depressed. This manic depression concept reaches way beyond the trivial aspects of life. Sometimes life itself throws a curve, to the point, where an individual becomes unhappy about things that may lead them to a state of being emotionally depressed, but this research paper will try to highlight the understanding of what is to be mentally manic-depressed. Manic depressive illness is discoveredRead MoreManic Depression And The Gemini Disorder794 Words  | 4 PagesJessica Gulino Professor Boms BIO 1 November, 2016 Manic depression, or â€Å"The Gemini disorder†is most commonly known as Bipolar Disorder. This illness is a brain disorder, which causes abrupt and unusual mood shifts. These irritable mood shifts can be related to the individual’s energy, activity levels, or their ability to carry out daily tasks. This disorder goes beyond the ordinary mood swings we all are aware of. Manic depression has four forms that are characterized as periods of acute elevationRead MoreBipolar Disorder And Manic Depression2377 Words  | 10 PagesBipolar Disorder, formally known as Manic Depression, is a mental disorder where an individual suffers from abnormal mood swings, experiencing both highs and lows (Hockenbury others, 2015, pg. 585). Severe depression with bouts of irrational happiness, and ecstasy are all symptoms an individual with bipolar disorder may experience (Hockenbury others, 2015, pg 585). DSM-5, 2013 states, â€Å"a small percentage of Bipolar disorder experience only manic episodes†. When someone is in mania they feel likeRead MoreTalk Therapy For Depression Or Bipolar Disorder ( Manic Depression )1256 Words  | 6 Pages Psychotherapy (also known as talk therapy) can be an important part of treatment for depression or bipolar disorder (manic depression). A good therapist can help you cope with feelings and symptoms, and change behavior patterns that may contribute to your illness. Talk therapy is not just â€Å"talking about your problems†; it is also working toward solutions. Some therapy may involve homework, such as tracking your moods, writing about your thoughts, or participating in social activities that haveRead More Biological Theories of Manic-Depression Essay1295 Words  | 6 PagesBiological Theories of Manic-Depression Like every mental illness, there is no definitive evidence concerning the etiology of manic-depression, also known as bipolar disorder. The disorder is characterized by alternating periods of depression and mania and occurs in 1% of the population. The depressive episodes can range in severity from dysthymia to major depressive episodes. The major depressive episodes are classified as periods of at least two weeks in length during which sadness, lethargyRead MoreThe Fire Of The Mind : Depression Manic ( Bipolar )1068 Words  | 5 PagesFires of the Mind: Depression Manic (Bipolar) was a rather interesting documentary that shed some light on the pain and suffering experienced by individuals affected by these conditions. Major depression causes a person to have distorted self image and experience unrelenting grief for no apparent reason. They may be indecisive and having reoccurring thoughts of death. Manic depression causes individuals to experience periods of extreme highs and l ows. They may have manic periods, experiencing a
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Key Pieces of Horror Narrative Essay Samples
Key Pieces of Horror Narrative Essay Samples Gawande throughout the full essay attempts to prove that through hospice that patients are in a position to die peacefully, they can let go. There are several different forms of expository essays. It is most expedient to begin writing essays when you have read a sample of the very same kind of essay. While the completely free essays may give you inspiration for writing, they cannot be used `as is' because they won't satisfy your assignment's requirements. You've got a guide and get ideas about what to do with your essay. Students may practice writing by deciding upon a number of the expository essay topics presented on our website or produce their own topics. Reading though samples will lower your time later on, since you will begin writing your essay with clear understanding how to compose your own paper. Check your assignment guidelines or ask your teacher if you aren't sure about the essential length. A high number of nursing positions require on the work training. In addition may be attempting to find somebody who can perform your essay. In this kind of essay, you should describe something without being metaphoric. If you're going to compose an expository essay, be ready to devote much time hitting books. A photo essay is a group of pictures with a total topic or theme. In addition, thesis lets readers are aware of what they're likely to read about. If your essay appears choppy, correct mistakes with the assistance of transition words and phrases. To put it simply, an expository essay explores all angles of a specific topic in an attempt to teach the audience something they may not know. The majority of the moment, expository essays are presented by offering a selection of topics and approaches to bring up the idea. When discussing the problem of youth crime groups, an individual must wonder how one makes the decision to join them. Get quality reasonable assistance from an on-line paper composing organization it is possible to confide in, for instance, Explain why it's helpful to organize your materials and activities. There are various sorts of essay and they require the distinctive outline. An essay must be clear and unbiased. While an expository essay ought to be clear and concise, it may also be lively and engagi ng. A wonderful descriptive essay is going to be loaded with details. The thesis of the expository essay ought to be based on factual information which will be displayed in the body of the essay. There are several methods about how to compose an expository essay. It aims to inform readers about some subject with solid evidence. Expository essays follow the very same rules since most essays. Explanatory writing is normally used when a particular analysis is conducted. A thriving process essay is going to be detailed enough so a reader will have all the info required to finish the endeavor. The benefits of a brief essay is that you could concentrate on a single side of the matter. Also, it must be a road map for the remainder of the Essay writing service reviews you shouldn't explicitly announce what and how you're going to be arguing. Focus on your language as it ought to be eerror-free Imagine your essay is a precious stone and produce all its faces shine using an easily readable and unique language. Possessing a look at the expository essay sample will definitely be an advantage and will cause you to avoid any type of errors. Get ready to apply sequential, spatial, topical, and lots different patterns to get your story interesting and detailed. Typically, a structure of essay contains three principal sections, in other words, introduction, body, and conclusion. Choosing Horror Narrative Essay Samples Is Simple It's important to keep in mind that this kind of expository essay allows for many of artistic freedom. The doctors must make sure the words they use don't demonstrate they have pity for their patients, they have to attempt to remain as impartial as possible. Keep in mind, though you might not be crafting the upcoming great novel, you making an effort to leave a long-lasting impression on the folks evaluating your essay. This essay describes the procedure for creating a cake. Write an essay explaining the steps which you want to follow to be able to apply for employment. Don't forget, in addition, there are discounts available when purchasing all 3 e-books and free shipping when purchasing all three text books. As you consider your topic, think about making a graphic organizer to receive your thoughts in order.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Consumer Guarantees Free Essays
The Consumer Guarantees Act is a cornerstone piece of legislation. Its role is to protect consumers. Under the Act, your consumer rights are expressed as a series of â€Å"guarantees†that a seller automatically makes to you when you buy any goods or services ordinarily purchased for personal use. We will write a custom essay sample on The Consumer Guarantees or any similar topic only for you Order Now In this guide, we explain what those rights are, and what to do if you think your rights have been breached. The Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 A Summary Introduction: The Act came into force on 1 April 1994 and does not apply to any contract for the supply of goods or services made before this date (Section 56). It is a significant piece of legislation and is aimed at imposing guarantees in contracts for the supply of goods and the performance of services for the consumers benefit. It provides a right of redress against suppliers and manufacturers in respect of any failure of the goods or services to comply with the guarantees. Definitions: Certain terms are defined in the Act itself (Section 2). These definitions are important in determining in what circumstances the Act will or will not apply. The Act defines â€Å"Goods†, â€Å"Service†, â€Å"Supplier†, â€Å"Manufacturer†, â€Å"trade†, and other terms. The key definition in the Act is â€Å"Consumer†. This is defined to mean a person who:- (a) Acquires from a supplier goods or services of a kind ordinarily acquired for personal, domestic, or household use or consumption; and (b) Does not acquire the goods or services, or hold himself or herself out as acquiring the goods or services, for the purpose of: (i) Re-supplying them in trade; or (ii) Consuming them in the course of a process of production or manufacture; or (iii) In the case of goods, repairing or treating in trade other goods or fixtures on land.†The definition of â€Å"Consumer†is unusual and difficult. The focus is the ordinary use for which goods or services are acquired rather than the use intended by the acquiring purchaser. By way of example a contract for the supply of crockery to a company that owns a restaurant will be a contract of supply of goods subject to the Act because although intended for commercial use, crockery is ordinarily acquired for personal, domestic or household use and consumption. As far as the services supplied by travel agents are concerned it would be best to proceed on the basis that virtually all of the services will be viewed as a kind ordinarily acquired for personal or domestic use or consumption with the consequence that the Act will apply to those services. Guarantees: The Act establishes one set of guarantees which apply in relation to the supply of goods and a different set of guarantees which apply in relation to the supply of services. This summary deals only with the guarantees which the Act imposes in relation to the supply of services. TAANZ also has a summary of the guarantees which are imposed by the Act in relation to the supply of goods and if a member has a problem involving the guarantees applicable to supply of goods the member can obtain a copy of that summary by contacting the TAANZ office. Guarantees in Respect of the Supply of Services Where services are supplied to a consumer there are four guarantees provided by Part IV of the Act. These are:- (i) Guarantee as to Reasonable Care and Skill (Section 28). A guarantee that services will be carried out with reasonable skill and care. This guarantee restates in statutory form the existing common law obligations on Travel Agents to exercise the skill and care of a reasonable competent professional travel agent in performing their services. The guarantee does not extend the existing legal obligations of a travel agent to act with reasonable skill and care in the performance of their function on behalf of their customers. Travel Agents had these obligations before the Act was passed. (ii) Guarantee as to Fitness for Particular Purpose (Section 29) A guarantee that the service, and any product resulting from the service, will be reasonably fit for any particular purpose, and of such a nature and quality that it can reasonably be expected to achieve any particular result that the consumer made known to the supplier. This, the second guarantee, is significant and establishes a new liability on travel agents in relation to the performance of services for customers. The Section (Section 29) requires the consumer to have made known his or her purpose to the travel agent at or before the time of making the contract for supply of services for the customer. The difficulty with this particular guarantee is that it is possible that travel agents may be liable for the actions or defaults of other suppliers of product where the other suppliers fail to perform at the levels expected of them. By way of example, if a customer makes known particular needs in terms of a holiday, for example, a resort which contains a golf course and tennis courts, and the travel agent recommends a particular resort as being able to provide those services and facilities, if the resort (for whatever reason) fails to provide those facilities then the travel agent may be liable. Accordingly, this particular guarantee has the capacity to extend the liability of the travel agent to include failures on the part of the suppliers of the actual facilities of travel accommodation. This particular guarantee is modified in part by Section 33 of the Act which states that there shall be no right of redress against a supplier under the Act in respect of a service or any product resulting from a service which fails to comply with that guarantee only as to fitness for particular purpose if it fails to comply with that guarantee only because of any act, or default, or omission of, or any representation made by any person other than the supplier or an agent or servant of the supplier. TAANZ members should nevertheless take special care when they are dealing with a customer who has specified a particular purpose or that the arrangements which are made for him are to have a particular nature or quality or to achieve a particular result. In such cases the travel agent should be aware that if the customer complains that the programme or plan prepared by the travel agent did not satisfy the particular purpose or provide the facilities of the nature and quality specified by the customer then there is considerable potential for the customer to take action against the travel agent pursuant to this particular guarantee. This guarantee will not apply where the circumstances show that the consumer does not rely on the suppliers’ skill or judgment, or, it is unreasonable for the consumer to rely on the suppliers’ skill or judgment. TAANZ members should also ensure that their professional indemnity policy will cover them for breaches of this guarantee in circumstances when they have not been negligent. A more detailed analysis of this section is contained in the case studies which appear at the end of this summary. (iii) Guarantee as to Time of Completion (Section 30) A guarantee that the service will be completed within a reasonable time in any case where the time is not fixed by the contract nor a method for calculating the time provided in the contract. This guarantee is not likely at a practical level to create problems for travel agents. Travel agents do not have problems completing their tasks with a reasonable time frame. Modern technology enables travel agents to carry out reservation and booking work virtually instantaneously and the consumer is frequently advised at the time of enquiry as to whether seats or accommodation are available at the relevant time. (iii) Guarantee as to Price (Section 31) A guarantee that the consumer is not liable to pay to the supplier more than a reasonable price for the service in any case where the price is not fixed in the contract nor a method for calculating the price provided in the contract. When there is failure to comply with this guarantee the consumers right of redress is to refuse to pay more than a reasonable price. Here again the nature of the services provided by travel agents and the basis on which they are remunerated mean that from a practical point of view this guarantee is not likely to be one which affects travel agents in any significant way. Rights of Redress Against Suppliers In Respect of Supply of Services Where the supplier of a service fails to comply with the guarantees a consumer may exercise certain remedies depending on whether the failure can be remedied or not (Section 32). Where a failure can be remedied the consumer may require the supplier to remedy it within a reasonable time. If the supplier neglects or refuses to do so within a reasonable time a consumer may have the failure remedied elsewhere at the suppliers’ cost, or, cancel the contract for the supply of service in accordance with the requirements of the Act. Where a failure cannot be remedied or is of a substantial character the consumer may cancel the contract in accordance with the requirements of the Act or obtain damages in compensation of any reduction in value of the product of a service below the charge paid or payable by the consumer. â€Å"substantial character†is defined in the Act (Section 36). In either situation (can be remedied; cannot be remedied) the consumer can claim damages for any loss reasonably foreseeable as liable to result from the failure. The exception is that no right of redress is available against a supplier in respect of a service or any product resulting from a service which fails to comply with the guarantee as to fitness for a particular purpose (Section 29) or the guarantee as to time for completion (Section 30) if the cause is independent of human control or caused by an act or default or representation made by any person other than the supplier or servant or agent of the supplier (Section 33). Right to Cancellation: Once the right of cancellation has arisen Section 37 of the Act sets out the rules applying to cancellation. Cancellation does not take effect until made known to the supplier, or where it is not reasonably practicable to communicate with the supplier, by means which are reasonable in the circumstances. Cancellation may be made known by words or conduct (Section 37). However, where there is a provision in the contract of supply requiring notice of cancellation in writing this provision will apply (Section 37(3)). Where a consumer cancels a contract for the supply of services the consumer is entitled to a refund of money or other consideration paid less any amount the Court or a Disputes Tribunal orders that the supplier may retain (Section 38). Contracting Out: Section 43 deals expressly with contracting out of the Act. The Act is to have effect notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in any agreement (Section 43). To purport to contract out of the Act is deemed to be an offence under the Fair Trading Act 1986 (a false representation) and fines of up to $200,000 for corporations and $60,000 for individuals may be imposed. The principal exception to the prohibition against contracting out is where the supply of goods or services is to a consumer who acquires the goods or services for business purposes. Where this criteria is satisfied an agreement to contract out of the provisions of the Act must be in writing and record that the supply is for â€Å"business purposes’ How to cite The Consumer Guarantees, Essay examples
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