Saturday, November 30, 2019
The Slippery Slope to Polygamy and Incest
Marriage defines one’s family based love. The parties to a marriage consecrate based on love; they enjoy equal protection and fundamental rights encrypted in the American Constitution.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on The Slippery Slope to Polygamy and Incest specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Even though opponents of same sex marriage are right in arguing that such unions lead to polygamy and incest, the institution of marriage is one that pursues happiness and human flourishing. In this aspect, banning same-sex marriage without credible reasons violates the rights and freedoms of the parties (Greenfield, 2013). The constitution also offers equal protection to all, irrespective of their groupings. The government ought to come up with a truly compelling justification as why it needs to restrict some forms of marriage. In addition, it is an act of liberty violation and fostering of inequality if the government can form a preconceived opinion on what a given group does. If marriage helps one define his/her family, therefore, the government has no reason to bar brothers and sisters from wedding each other. Excluding a group from carrying out something imperative like marriage by believing that it is immoral without watertight evidence is futile. Prejudice should not find a place in castigating same-sex marriages, polygamy, and incest. The fight to allow incestuous or polygamous marriages has not gained steady momentum given the lack of political energy to clear the misguided arguments (Lavy, 2008). The article compares the present kind of repulsion on gay marriage, incest, and polygamy to the repulsion that has stood in the way of LBTQ rights for a longtime. Even though there are minimal instances of birth defects in incestuous marriage, polygamous marriages, which have also received less recognition in America, have no such defects.Advertising Looking for critical writing on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More From this aspect, arguments by opponents of polygamous and incestuous marriage have no ground to pin-down or exclude certain groups since the rights of the children are not highly violated. From another point of view, same-sex marriages, therefore, protects the right of children, as they do not sire offspring. For incestuous couples, the government can create mandatory genetic counseling to minimize the slight complication, instead of banning it out-rightly. There are instances where coercion or lack of free will becomes a strong reason to ban incest. For example, in a case of father/daughter incest, it is highly likely that one party acted under duress. Greenfield (2013) attests that coercion arguments become invisible if such unions were freely formalized and divorce is available for all parties. Incestuous and polygamous marriages are grouping choices that require equal protect ion as envisioned in the American Constitution. People should be free to make choices on the type of families that they want; the government should also have significant justifications to classify other associations as illegal. Just in religion, liberty should not be restricted in forming families. The rigid stand by the opponents of same-sex marriage coupled with prejudice makes the issue of polygamy and incest slippery. Opponents of same-gender marriage have incommensurability problem; their assumptions cannot be reconciled. Just like in religious affiliations, human beings have different philosophical and ideological commitments; this makes them to have different opinions and preferences. Gay marriage and polygamy are important life aspects that do not require wishful rejections without valid reasons.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on The Slippery Slope to Polygamy and Incest specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Lear n More Even though there is a slippery slope in legalizing gay marriage, the government should take a liberal approach in solving such issues to avoid sexual-orientation discrimination (Lavy, 2008). The laws in the various parts of the world should be clear on incestuous and polygamous marriages. References Greenfield, K. (2013, July 15). The Slippery Slope to Polygamy and Incest. The American Prospect. Retrieved from Lavy, G. (2008, May 21). Gay marriage and the ‘slippery slope’. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved from This critical writing on The Slippery Slope to Polygamy and Incest was written and submitted by user Alberto Sloan to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Rethinking Christ and Culture A Post
Rethinking Christ and Culture A Post This paper is aimed at discussing the book Rethinking Christ and Culture: A Post-Christendom Perspective written by Craig Carter. This work is important for analyzing the role that religion should play in the contemporary society.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Rethinking Christ and Culture: A Post-Christendom Perspective specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More One of the points that the author makes is that Christian organizations should not separate themselves from the world of politics in order to maintain their moral integrity. Moreover, religion should not be viewed as the main agent that dominates culture since this policy can undermine the credibility of the church. Thus, it is critical to examine the strengths and weaknesses of the arguments expressed in this book. On the whole, one can argue that Craig Carter successfully identifies the most important problems that religious institutions should address in order to maintain their ethical integrity. By using Biblical and historical examples, the author demonstrates that contemporary views on religion should be re-evaluated. It should be noted that Craig Carter critiques the ideas expressed by Helmut Niebuhr. This theologian argues the development of Western civilization and culture has been shaped primarily by Christian thought (Niebuhr 7). Thus, religion can be regarded as the agent of transformation. These arguments are based on the premise that the representatives of various social or political institutions perceive themselves primarily as Christians. This is one of the assumptions that Craig Carter wants to question. From his standpoint, Niebuhr’ theory is not relevant to the modern community. Moreover, it contradicts the principles that are outlined in the Bible. These are the most important elements of Craig Carter’s book. First of all, this author rejects the notion of Christendom or Western civilization that has â€Å"a religious arm (the church) and a secular arm (civil government) both of which are united in their adherence to Christian faith, which is seen as the â€Å"soul†of Europe, or the West†(Carter 14). This is the main notion that Craig Carter wants to examine in a critical way. The writer makes several points in order to show that this notion is not acceptable. He mentions that the ideas expressed in the gospels are â€Å"countercultural, nonviolent, and subversive of empire†(Carter 20). In turn, the very idea of Christendom implies that the followers of Jesus try to become of a part of the empire (Carter 20). This is one of the details that can be identified.Advertising Looking for essay on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Furthermore, the writer believes that Christian Church should adopt new roles in the modern society. In particular, this institution should not associate itsel f with the government because this association implies that the church legitimizes the coercive violence that the government can perpetrate (Carter 105). Therefore, it is necessary to â€Å"draw visible between the church and the world†(Carter 105). In this way, religious organizations will be able to safeguard themselves against decisions that cannot be ethically acceptable. For instance, one can mention the encouragement of the Crusades or even the justification of slave labor in the United States (Carter 105). So, the writer wants Christians to re-evaluate the role of church in the world. To a great extent, these ideas are supported by Chris Hedges. In particular, this writer points out that religious rhetoric often contributed to violence. For instance, the opposing sides often call each other â€Å"infidels†in order to justify the use of violence (Hedges 22). The main problem is that this rhetoric can often be condoned by religious leaders. Such actions can unde rmine the ethical reputation of the church. Thus, this involvement with political life can make people even more averse to religion. This is why this risk should not be overlooked. Additionally, Craig Carter speaks about such as notion as post-Christendom world. Under such circumstance, the church should not act an institution which tries to change legal norms that people should follow. For instance, many religious organizations attempt to prohibit abortions. The main problem is that this policy can antagonize the church with people who do not want to accept the rules without any question. Instead, religious organizations should identify what kind of behaviors can be acceptable for the followers of Jesus (Carter 105). This is one of the central ideas that this writer wants to express. The writer creates a very vivid metaphor which exemplifies the relations between modern religion and the state. In particular, the author speaks about people who â€Å"simultaneously confess both Jesu s and Caesar as Lord†(Carter 115). In the post-Christendom world, people should clearly distinguish between these notions. It has often been assumed that many the United States has always been only a Christian nation. Yet, some researchers believe that this argument is significantly exaggerated. For example, in his book, Richard Hughes notes that many American politicians advocated the idea of separating the church and the state (Hughes 22). This separation is critical for ensuring the individual liberties are not restricted. Thus, this author also can support Craig Carter’s views on the role of religion. There are several strengths of this book. Among the positive aspects, one can mention the author’s analysis of Biblical examples which demonstrate that Christianity should not be turned into a civil religion. The author clearly shows that Jesus Christ did not want the religion to be a part of the state. This textual evidence is necessary for demonstrating that the very notion of Christendom runs against the notion of Jesus Christ.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Rethinking Christ and Culture: A Post-Christendom Perspective specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Moreover, Craig Carter provides a detailed survey of the historical tendencies that affected the church. In particular, the writer shows how the ethical reputation of the church could be compromised because of its affiliation of the state. For instance, the author discusses the unification of the early Christians and the Roman Emperor Constantine (Carter 82). Overall, the author’s analysis is interesting and convincing. These are the main strengths that can be identified. Yet, there are some limitations that should be considered. For example, the author does not take into account that religious rhetoric can simply be used by people who pursue their political or economic objects. These individuals may not be strong ly affiliated with any church. Therefore, one should not suppose that by separating itself from the state, the church can remain completely uninvolved in the social life. This is one of the risks that should not be overlooked. Furthermore, Craig Carter does not explain how religious organizations should change people’s views on the notion of Christendom. These are some of the limitations that should be taken into account. On the whole, one can say that Craig Carter’s book raises thought-provoking questions about the development of the modern Christianity. The author attempts to identify the way in which religion should function in the modern society. In his opinion, religion should not serve the interests of the state. By examining Biblical examples and historical trends, the writer is able to show why the church should adjust to a new cultural environment. Carter, Craig. Rethinking Christ and Culture: A Post-Christendom Perspective, New York: Brazos Press, 2007. Prin t. Hedges, Chris. War is a Force that Gives Us Meaning, New York: Random House, 2002. Print. Hughes, Richard. Myths America Lives by, Champaign: University of Illinois Press, 2004. Print.Advertising Looking for essay on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Niebuhr, Helmut. Christ and Culture, New York: Harper Brothers, 1956. Print.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Valedictorian vs. Salutatorian Whats the Difference
Valedictorian vs. Salutatorian What's the Difference SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips There are lots of reasons to work hard in high school: you gain important knowledge and skills, your grades help you get into great universities, and your dedication can even earn you scholarship money for tuition! But your hard work can also help you become valedictorian or salutatorian, which are awards given to the top two students in your graduating class. But what does it mean to be a valedictorian vs. a salutatorian? Don’t worry: you’ve come to the right place! Not only will we explain what a valedictorian and salutatorian is, we’ll also dig into the similarities and differences between the two awards and what they mean for the college admissions process. What Is a Valedictorian? Let’s start by learning more about becoming a valedictorian. Most schools award the title of valedictorian to the student who graduates with the highest cumulative GPA. So what does that mean exactly? Your cumulative GPA is the average of every final grade that you’ve made throughout high school! Additionally, most schools use a weighted average when ranking students. In other words, grades from AP and IB courses are given extra points to account for the difficulty of the course (which means that instead of a 4.0, you can earn a 5.0 in those classes). So if you have your heart set on becoming valedictorian, you’ll want to make sure you take AP courses- and make great grades in them! Furthermore, valedictorians are usually named during the second semester of senior year, and the award comes with a few special perks. First, the valedictorian usually gets special graduation regalia (also known as graduation attire) to help them stand out from the crowd. This can be a different colored robe, a unique tassel on your mortarboard, or an additional stole, cord, or medal. Each school has a unique set of regalia, but you’ll definitely get some additional swag for your hard work. Second- and more importantly- the valedictorian plays an important role in the graduation ceremony. Unlike most graduates, who will only come on stage to get their diploma, valedictorians usually sit on stage and actually participate in the ceremony itself by giving a speech. (We’ll talk about what that looks like in depth a little later.) Because the valedictorian is the top of the class, they serve as a representative for their classmates, which is a huge honor! Famous Valedictorians If you earn the title of valedictorian, you’ll be in great company! Here are some famous valedictorians you may know: Comedian Weird Al Yankovic (Lynnwood High School, 1975) Actress Jodie Foster (Lycee Francaise, 1980) Model Cindy Crawford (DeKalb High School, 1984) Photo by Sgt. Tracy Ellingsen What Is a Salutatorian? Just like a valedictorian, salutatorians are students who have demonstrated outstanding academic achievement during their four years in high school. Traditionally, the title of salutatorian is given to the second highest-ranking student in a graduating class. Just like the valedictorian, this is determined by a student’s cumulative, weighted GPA. If you want to become your school’s salutatorian, you’ll want to use the same strategy as valedictorians. Not only should you take AP and IB courses, you need to make sure you’re making great grades in them! After all, the higher your cumulative GPA, the more likely you are to become your school’s salutatorian. Furthermore, becoming salutatorian comes with many of the same perks as valedictorian. Like the valedictorian, the salutatorian often gets special graduation regalia to recognize their achievement. These are usually similar to the valedictorian regalia with minor adjustments. For example, if your school gives out special stoles, the stoles may be the same style but different colors! But at the end of the day, the goal is the same: unique regalia helps you stand out from the crowd while honoring your incredible achievement. Additionally, the salutatorian also plays a pivotal role in the graduation ceremony. Like the valedictorian, the salutatorian is tasked with delivering a speech on stage during the ceremony itself. The salutatorian’s speech serves a different purpose than the valedictorian’s speech- which we’ll talk about in the next section!- but it also serves as a special reward for the salutatorian’s hard work. Famous Salutatorians Before we jump into the differences between the valedictorian and salutatorian, check out this list of famous salutatorians you’ll definitely recognize: Carrie Underwood (Checotah High School, 2001) Michelle Obama (Whitney Young High School, 1981) Jimmy Carter (Plains High School, 1942) Photo by Baim Hanif Valedictorian vs. Salutatorian: The Big Differences By now you’ve probably figured out that valedictorians and salutatorians have a lot on common. But they also have a few important differences, too. Let’s take a close look at the unique aspects of each title. The Rankings Of course, the most obvious difference is in the numbers: valedictorians graduate ranked #1 in their class, while salutatorians take the #2 spot. When you’re a high achiever, coming in second might sound like losing. After all, most of us want to be first! But the fact is, there is usually very little mathematical difference between graduating first and graduating second. The difference between becoming valedictorian vs. salutatorian often boils down to hundredths- and sometimes even thousandths!- of a point. That’s why schools reward the top two students, since often there is very little difference between their academic performances! It all boils down to this: graduating as your class' valedictorian or salutatorian is a huge honor and a giant recognition for your hard work! Photo by Kane Reinholdsten The Speeches So if a valedictorian and a salutatorian both graduate at the top of the class, get fancy regalia, and give speeches during the graduation ceremony, what makes the awards different from one another? The biggest distinction between a valedictorian and salutatorian comes in the content of their speeches! The Valedictory Speech The term â€Å"valedictorian†actually comes from the Latin phrase vale dicere, which means to say farewell. In other words, despite coming in first in the rankings, the valedictorian’s speech often comes toward the end of the graduation ceremony. That means the valedictorian’s job is to put a capstone on their classmates’ high school experience. It’s a chance for students to say goodbye to high school while looking forward to their next adventures. Because of that, a valedictory speech often has two parts. The first part looks back at the memories and lessons of high school, and the second part talks about how students can carry what they’ve learned into the future. In other words, think of the valedictorian’s speech as wishing everyone a fond farewell while looking forward to the next step in life’s journey! The Salutatory Speech If the valedictorian’s job is to deliver a farewell address, then the salutatorian’s job is to welcome everyone to the ceremony! (The term â€Å"salutatorian†comes from the word â€Å"salutatory,†which means â€Å"of the nature of a salutation.†) Unlike the valedictorian, who often speaks to their fellow students, the salutatorian speaks on behalf of the graduating class in welcoming friends, family, and other loved ones to the ceremony. They also introduce any other speakers and representatives to the audience. After the official welcome, the salutatorian also has the chance to offer a few remarks to kick off the graduation ceremony. If the valedictorian’s speech about how to take high school’s lessons and experiences into the future, then the salutatorian’s speech is a celebration of the moment. After all, you only graduate from high school once! Photo by Logan Isbell How Does Graduating as a Valedictorian or Salutatorian Affect Applying for Colleges? The short answer is that it doesn’t really affect your application or admissions process since these honors aren’t awarded until the second semester of your senior year. By this point, you’ve already submitted your college applications. In fact, you might have already committed to your dream school if you applied early action! Additionally, even if you can list valedictorian or salutatorian honors on your application, most universities don’t weigh them very heavily in the decision-making process. That’s because it can be hard for admissions counselors to understand what those honors really mean. For example, some schools rely solely on GPA to determine whether someone becomes valedictorian, while other schools use a combination of GPA and extracurricular involvement. Some schools even allow the student body to weigh in by voting on candidates! It’s impossible for every admissions counselor to know the valedictorian and salutatorian criteria for every high school, so it’s easier for them to remove the ranking from consideration. William R. Fitzsimmons, the dean of admissions at Harvard, summed it up best when he told the New York Times, â€Å"I think, [the title of valedictorian is] a bit of an anachronism. This has been a long tradition, but in the world of college admissions, it makes no real difference.†Photo by OakleyOriginals Do All High Schools Have Valedictorians and Salutatorians? Although these are very common awards in American high schools, some schools have decided to treat these titles differently. The â€Å"None Of The Above†Approach In recent years, some high schools have decided to get rid of the titles of â€Å"valedictorian†and â€Å"salutatorian†altogether. Some schools believe that it creates unnecessary competition between students, while others have decided to move away from the titles as a matter of fairness. As Dr. Mary Gruccio, the superintendent of the Cumberland County School District in New Jersey, explains, â€Å"We have had issues in the past where kids have been so close together, within a fraction of a point†¦ [and] in my opinion, it creates a lot of anxiety that does not have to take place." Because the top students in a class are often separated by fractions of a point, removing the titles of valedictorian and salutatorian are a way to ensure fairness and equal recognition of students’ hard work. But that doesn’t mean that because a school doesn’t have valedictorians or salutatorians that they don’t recognize academic achievement! Some schools instead award unique graduation regalia to all students with high grades, while others have switched to the collegiate approach of allowing students to graduate with honors (or cum laude). The â€Å"Multiples†Approach But there are other schools who have swung the opposite direction: instead of abolishing the awards, they have decided to designate multiple valedictorians and salutatorians in each graduating class. Take, for instance, Washington-Lee High School in Arlington, Virginia. In 2015, the school designated 117 valedictorians out of a class of 457 graduates. (The school awarded any student with above a 4.0 the title.) So why would a high school choose to do this? The goal in awarding multiple valedictorians is the same as naming no one the title: fairness. As Winnie Hu writes for The New York Times, school principals believe that recognizing multiple valedictorians â€Å"reduces pressure and competition among students, and is a more equitable way to honor achievement, particularly when No. 1 and No. 5 may be separated by only the smallest fraction of a grade.†Administrators also argue that naming multiple valedictorians prevents grade inflation, since teachers might feel pressured to give bright students better grades to help their chances at scoring one of the top two spots in their graduating class. The Bottom Line Regardless of whether your school has none, one, or tons of valedictorians and salutatorians, remember that the title of valedictorian or salutatorian does not impact your ability to get into your dream school. While the honor is certainly nice, it’s a recognition of a student’s hard work, not a golden ticket into an Ivy League university. So aim for becoming valedictorian or salutatorian because it means something to you, not because you think it will make a difference to an admissions counselor! Your Next Steps So now that you know the differences in a valedictorian vs. a salutatorian, it’s time to get your journey to greatness off on the right foot! Want to graduate with a perfect GPA? Start by getting advice from someone who’s been there, done that. It can be hard to know your real GPA if you’ve taken lots of weighted AP and IB courses. Never fear: our weighted GPA calculator is here to help! AP classes are important, but they only help you if you’re making great grades in them. Get the scoop on how to plan out your AP courses for maximum impact, and get some perspective on how much harder AP courses are than their regular counterparts. Want to build the best possible college application? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. We want to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
(i dont know ,writer will firgure out the topic for me) Research Paper
(i dont know ,writer will firgure out the topic for me) - Research Paper Example If one would go to the top floor of the Bank of America tower overlooking the park, the once capacious area below becomes cramped, as people move like ants in the limited space left. Yet people continue to engage in their own activities, oblivious of their compromised surroundings. For as long they are able to carry out their purpose in the place, all the rest remain strangers to them – never mind, if they are already literally rubbing elbows with one another. Nevertheless, this is typical in the urban land. While those who are used to living in the countryside may find this situation suffocating, it is quite astounding how city dwellers seem to have adopted survival strategies to cope with the continuously crowding area, as though they do not need space. Going back, an imaginary view of the Bryant Park on top of Bank of America tower creates a vivid and lively scene where stories are formed. Perhaps, in one of the couches in the Southwest Porch, there may be a woman who would say, â€Å"I just need space†, a typical spiel when two people are in the brink of breaking up. This line serves as an easy way to warrant the ending of a relationship, especially if the individual, for some reason, desires to get freed from whatever attachment – may it be physical or emotional. Although it may be an effective way out, there seems to be more to ‘needing space’ aside from a reasonable means to end a relationship. While the literal meaning of a space is a spot left empty, it remains to be related to its figurative definition such that the space between individuals actually separates them, limiting their social interaction and attachment. Yet for a place like Bryant Park, keeping a space seems impossible. But perhaps, the city dwellers’ concept of space has indeed gone beyond just a simple matter of geography. Introduction The innovation of the concept of space probably roots to the time of Edward T. Hall, an anthropologist whose fiel d of interest and expertise centers on spacing behavior of individuals. Hall identified several terms related to space – most notable of which is the social space. By definition, social space is such which individuals feel comfortable enough to engage in occasional social interactions with friends and strangers. Moreover, Hall proposed that people have an unconscious perception of space which can be manifested by the way that they behave towards it and the people that they are sharing the physical space with. This behavior is largely based on the culture from which an individual belongs. As such, â€Å"public space always becomes cultural space†(Ferrell 14). Meanwhile, as a result of this proposed concept, social space has become a subject of studies for many years. Generally, these studies were geared towards simply finding out why this space exists and how it is manifested. Based on the findings, it is surprising that several factors actually account for what was on ce seen a simple yet perplexing matter. The present research also attempted to explore many aspects of this ambiguous concept; however, in the context of urban settings where crowding is inevitable and violation of physical space is likewise expected. It may be assumed that spacing behaviors could only be maintained in low-density situations when there is a small number people who can act on their respective assumed space. But then again, given the limited physical space in the urban area, the social concept of physical space
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Presentation PowerPoint Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
PowerPoint Presentation Example Dependency theory takes this a step ahead and identifies the relationship between the dependency on a particular type of media and the number of needs it fulfills for a person. Higher dependency on the media also results in higher influence and power of that media on that individual. This is in line with the Agenda Setting theory. Combination of these theories results in the Dependency theory preposition: As a persons dependency on media increases to fulfill needs, that media becomes more and more important to that person At a conceptual level this theory gives an integrated outlook of audiences, media and social system. The degree on dependence on media is governed by two factors (Dependency Theory, 2004). First, the number of needs satisfied by a media; more needs satisfied, more you are dependent on that media. Second, social conditions; if there is a situation of social conflict or change then media is depended on to make choices/decisions. However, apart from these factors there are several external factors that can influence a person’s choice of media such as culture, social context etc. These factors that are not under the control of an individual act as constraints on the choice and degree of media usage. Increasing involvement of audience in information processing relayed/published by media can result in a three-fold effect – Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral (Dependency Theory, 2004). Dependency theory is applicable to mass media at micro, meso, and macro levels. Scope of application includes individuals, interpersonal networks, organizations, social systems and societies. One of the critiques for this theory initially argued that information shared by interpersonal networks is not accounted for. This is not a strong critique as even in these networks someone would have picked up the information from media only (Lindsay Ems, 2008). This theory has some features that make it widely
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Education in the Philippines Essay Example for Free
Education in the Philippines Essay Education, a continuous process of growth from womb to tomb that is most essential to man for development and progress. In technical sense, it is the process by which society deliberately transmits its accumulated knowledge, values and skills from one generation to another through institutions. This technical process is sometimes called schooling, when referring to the compulsory education of the youth. The continuous growth of the population in the Philippines has been a great factor that affects the quality of education one can experience. There are greater and greater number of students in a class that a learning institution can accommodate. Other than that, some other problems occurred such as: lack of qualified teachers, inadequate classrooms and ineffective programs. These are more evident to public schools here in the country. Recognizant of this reality, small communities in the urban part of the country have been sensitively responding to this situation. Little by little, the number of private learning institutes have been massively growing in some areas in the city. The sustenance of these private schools is, in a very large extent, depend upon enrolment. School administrators have been continuously seeking ways and means to upgrade the standards and quality of their respective school in terms of its delivery system and other related components of quality education. This have been noticeable to Barangay Bagong Silangan because of the numerous learning centers that was established here for the past ten years. Parents, regardless of the schools’ standards, enroll their children to these private learning centers believing that they would experience a better quality education than that of in the public schools. It is, most of the people, if not everybody’s interest, to be equipped with knowledge and skills for productive endeavor in the future. The vital reason for a researcher to conduct a study is to make the parents aware if their children are getting the quality of education that they want for them in these private learning centers.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Essay on Minorities in Song of Solomon -- Song Solomon essays
Minorities within Minorities in Song of Solomon  In a study about minorities, the groups that are differing from the dominant culture are seen as homogeneous. But, if we look deeper into the groups, we can see that there are distinctions among the minorities concerning lifestyle and social status. In Toni Morrison's Song of Solomon the author provides examples in the background of the story that shows people with differential identities of the general identity of the minority group.  The character Macon Dead and his family is represented as differing from the society they live in with their social status. They are rich and try to live like white people. It is important for Macon Dead to have a good impression on other people. Since he had to face a lot of difficulties as a child because of his race he wants to be as rich as possible to gain respect. These ambitions cause him to split ways with his sister Pilate, as we see in this part of the novel:  "Why can't you dress like a woman?"... "...What are you trying to make me look like in this town?" He trembled with the thought of the white men in the bank- the men who helped him buy and mortgage houses- discovering that this raggedy bootlegger was his sister. That the propertied Negro who handled his business so well and who lived in the big house on Not Doctor Street had a sister who had a daughter but no husband, and that daughter had a daughter but no husband. (20)  We see from this passage how important for Macon Dead the thoughts about him by others is important; especially the thoughts of white people. He already believes that he has a good impression on those people. "In 1936 there were very few among them who lived as well as Macon Dead" (32... ...anest unhung niggers in the world (270).  As we know from the end of the novel, Milkman will have all his feelings changed during his stay in the town: "He was curious about these people. He didn't feel close them, but he did feel connected, as though there was some cord or pulse or information they shared. Back home he had never felt that way, as though he belonged to anyplace or anybody" (293).  Song of Solomon provides an example of a minority with a minority. It is clear that social status is a factor in alienating people from the society.  Works Cited: Bloom, Harold, ed. Modern Critical Views: Toni Morrison. New York: Chelsea House Publishing, 1990. Morrison, Toni. Song of Solomon. New York: The Penguin Group, 1977. Peterson, Nancy J. Toni Morrison: Critical and Theoretical Approaches. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1997.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Modern Drama Essay
Eddie tells Beatrice (his wife) that her cousins have arrived. This pleases Catherine and Beatrice. Beatrice is worried about the arrangements and this is because of Eddie. She says ‘I am just afraid if it don’t turn out good you’ll be mad at me’. This shows that Eddie must have shouted at Beatrice before. This also shows that Eddie takes charge around the house with everything. Eddie has power over everyone in the house. Catherine interrupts and says ‘Well didn’t tell him about me yet. ‘ Beatrice tries to distract Eddie from what she says. But Eddie becomes interested and starts asking questions straight away when he hears Catherine mention herself. Catherine says that she will leave school for a job. Eddie is angry but gets interrupted by Beatrice, Beatrice sticks up for Catherine, and Eddie doesn’t like this. Catherine explains the detail and yet Eddie finds another excuse. He ‘don’t like that neighbourhood over there’. He explains how he wants the best for her and how the men are with young women. The problem is that Eddie thinks that the best thing that Catherine could do is to stay at home with him at home and see or speak with no other men. Beatrice tries to reason with him over the job but Eddie refuses to give in until she confronts him with his desire. She says ‘ you gonna keep her in the house all her life? ‘ Eddie is insulted and disgusted. He becomes angry but when Catherine enters he changes his mood. He doesn’t want to let Catherine see that he does not get along with Beatrice. He gives her what she wants. He agrees with her going to work. This soon gets out of hand and Eddie becomes upset. He uses reverse psychology on Catherine. He tells speaks the opposite of what he wants. He says to Catherine, ‘And then you will move away. That’s life. And you’ll come visit on Sundays, then once a month, then Christmas and New years finally. ‘ This upsets Catherine and without knowing she tells him what he wants to hear. This automatically changes the mood of Eddie. Eddie knows in a way that he has got what he wanted. He changes conversation straight after as before. They start to talk about the day gone by whilst eating their meal. After the meal Eddie asks Catherine when she starts her new job. Catherine knows Eddie is uncomfortable with talking about this. Eddie shows a tear in his eye. Catherine tries to make Eddie feel better by saying that she is not going far. Catherine tries to comfort him. Eddie enjoys this and tries to gain sympathy from her a lot of the time. To settle himself he looks for a cigar. Catherine goes to get one for him and then offers to light it. Eddie feels close with her while she is doing this; he enjoys it while she lights the cigar. Their faces are close and they gaze into each other’s eyes. This shows Eddies true feelings; this is the point where his deep love for her is shown. He looks at her no longer as a relative does but as a lover does. Eddie takes some time to think while Catherine and Beatrice are in the kitchen.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Reflection Management Style Essay
The achievement of an organization depends on the effective management of the administrative team. The information obtained throughout this course for the management styles, good and poor qualities, and the different scenarios which managers may encounter will be reconnoitered. The results of a management quiz taken at the beginning of this course along with the results from a current quiz will be compared and the differences clarified. The course has enlightened the roles of management in the health organization and the extent of the accomplishments the management teams involvement can contribute. The management methods and styles reflect on an individual’s interpersonal and intrapersonal assessments of him or herself. A manager needs to analyze his or her goals within an organization to implement the motivation of others within an organization. As a manager, a person must realize that there will be conflicts, victories, and obstacles that may hinder his or her ideas or goals for the company. A consistent analyzes of an organization will assist in making the changes needed for success. Realizing that all managers are human, and human error may occur is a quality that managers and others need to consider. The best quality a manager can have is to be open-minded to ideas from others, be humble, and compassionate. In the health care industry there is an abundance of burnout, therefore for managers to reduce this in his or her organization she or he must be aware of the signs and implement a course of action to assist in the reduction. The motivation versus engaged is one of the valuable areas to consider when overseeing an organization. Engaged employees are more productive, focused, loyal, and contribute to the organization as a whole (Buchbinder, 2012). When individuals are involved in company decisions this assists in less burnout and turnover in the employees. One of the poorest qualities in a management team is not getting the input from the employees prior to making a vast change within an organization. The manager must be aware of how the employees feel about the change and compute the information to understand if the change is beneficial for the organization. However, some changes need to occur even though the employees do not encourage the change. This is why the manager needs to know how to relay the information diplomatically, the reasons, how the change will be implemented, and the benefits of the change. If the manager does not inform the staff of what, why, or how then the organization could have devastating results in any scenario. Managers realize there are many scenarios to different areas of the organization. There is not a one-size-fits-all solution for organizational challenges. The plan of implementation must be customized to the group affected. The culture of most organizations is substantially diverse. This is why managers need the skills to understand, the knowledge to analyze scenarios, and the will to implement change. However, the manager is only as good as his or her employees. Results from the first management quiz displayed the need for improvement in team management (Center T. M., 2014). The challenge of realizing that others goals may not be the same as yours is a challenge, but realizing the needs of others and listening can assist in overcoming this obstacle. The results from the current quiz did not veer much from the first (Center M. , 2014). The skills of team management are an area needing the most improvement, and over time this will occur with practice and doing follow through will developing skills. Learning and overcoming challenges are important is a manager’s duties. Managers are always developing his or her professional lives, as well as his or her personal life. Self-motivation will assist in overcoming obstacles in one’s life. Managers are a valuable part of any organization, but without the skills to organize, motivate, and implement changes his or her contribution may hinder success in the organization. A person needs to realize the diversity in his or her employees, the culture of an organization, and the different scenarios he or she may encounter. Development of good qualities can assist in managing others. Some of these qualities include being open-minded, compassionate, and being humble. Developing skills in team management and motivation of others is a valuable asset to any manager. If managers understand the culture of an organization and relay this information effectively to the employees, the organization benefits from all venues encountered. References Buchbinder, S. B. (2012). Chapter 3 Management and Motivation. Introduction to Health Care Management, 2e, 2, 444-448. Jones and Barlett Publishers. Center, M. (2014). Qiuz Results 8-9-14. The Management Center. Retrieved August 9, 2014, from Center, T. M. (2014). Quiz results 07-11-2014. The Management Center. Retrieved July 11, 2014, from
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Elvis Aron Presley Essays - Elvis Presley, Graceland, Memphis Mafia
Elvis Aron Presley Essays - Elvis Presley, Graceland, Memphis Mafia Elvis Aron Presley At the time, no one realized that The world of music and entertainment would forever change. It was noon, on January 8, 1935, when Gladys Smith Presley, a poor Mississippi God-fearing sewing machine operator and wife of farm hand Vernon Elvis Presley, gave birth to twin sons Elvis Aron and Jesse Garon Presley. Buried in an unmarked Priceville, Mississippi grave, Jesse Garon died within six hours of birth. Jesse?s twin, Elvis Aron, was to become the most influential force in the history of popular music and a melding force between cultures. As the world?s most endearing and successful entertainer of his age, Elvis sold over three hundred million records, and created thirty-three films. Today, Elvis is known world wide as The King of Rock n? Roll.? The dirt-poor with his polite and well-mannered ways, patterned his famous ?wiggle? and early singing style form the gospel revival preachers he grew up with at the family?s First Assembly of God Church. ?We were broke, man, broke, and we left Tupelo overnight,? Elvis said, a quote which typifies his early life, following his parents from job to job. In 1939 the total combined Presley salary was $35 a week, when young Elvis was enrolled in L.C. Humes High School in Memphis, Tennessee. After graduation from Humes High School in 1953, while driving a truck for an electric company, Elvis passed a sign that would lead him to fame. The sign read, ?Memphis Recording Service-Make your own records...Four dollars for two songs.? This is where Sam Phillips of Sun Records found his man. In August 1954, WHBQ radio in Memphis released the birth of a Rock n? Roll legend with, ?That?s All Right, Mama.? After an unsuccessful Grand Ol? Opry stint, 1955 brought ?Good Rockin? Tonite? and ?Milk Cow Blues Boogie.? The flamboyant personal manager/promoter, Colonel Tom Parker, who was managing the big talents of the day like Eddie Arnold and Hank Snow, started quietly helping Elvis with bookings. My July 1955, ?Baby, Let?s Play House? hit the national best seller charts. In 1957, Elvis moved from his suburban East Memphis home on Audubon Drive, to his new home, Graceland. March 1960 brought Elvis home from the war as a civilian. Huge crowds followed him home to Graceland. The Colonel worked hard to gain Elvis? favor back, and by mid 1960, five thousand fan clubs were generating 30,000 fan letters a month. Elvis was forced into seclusion, as any public appearance would cause a riot. An entourage of Memphis men soon referred to as the ?Memphis Mafia? escorted him everywhere. Endless work and strange eating habits followed. Too much peanut butter and banana sandwiches, burnt bacon, olives and vegetable soup pushed his weight up dramatically. On October 19, 1973, Elvis and Priscilla separated after five years of marriage. Elvis sited the tremendous strain of six months on the road. Priscilla was awarded custody of their only child, Lisa Marie. Nights were filled with Gospel signing, and days were spent sleeping, as Elvis entered into his forties. Extreme dieting and exhaustion landed him in the hospital, and Vegas gigs became predictable while fanatical fandom worshipped him overseas. In 1975 Elvis bought a jet airliner and named in after his daughter, ?The Lisa Marie?. His meteoric rise to fame, and the following legions of idolizing fans, is truly a phenomenon beyond this world?s experience. We can only marvel at his achievements, and live along side his mystic legend and following. Elvis and his fans were symbiotic, each depending, sharing, and supporting the other. On August 16, 1977, a shocked world would learn of his death. Rushed to Baptist Memorial Hospital in Memphis, from Graceland, Elvis was pronounced dead on arrival of cardiac arrhythmiaerratic heart beat. Thousands gathered at his home in Graceland to mourn and weep in disbelief. Thousands more still made the pilgrimage to the Graceland grave each year for the ritual August Candlelight Vigil. The King lives on today in our memories, his family, his films, his recordings, and in our hearts. It is rare in this world, that such an impression is made on the people in one?s own time.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Analysis Of Environmental Conditions Marketing Essay
Analysis Of Environmental Conditions Marketing Essay Analysis of environmental conditions is based on the framework put forward by Lynch (2009) that assesses the general degree of turbulence in the environment. This can be done by using the two measures of ‘Changeability’ and ‘predictability’ (Lynch, 2009, p80), which can be subdivided into complexity and novelty (changeability), and rate of change and visibility (predictability). Establishing a level of turbulence in the environment allows us to know with how much confidence we can predict the future (Lynch, 2009). In the fourth quarter of 2009 the UK GDP rose by 0.1% (, 2010) which means Britain is officially out of recession. While this means recovery is under way, many analysts remain sceptical of the extent of recovery. Andrew Sentance of the Monetary Policy Committee has claimed that ‘pace of recovery would remain uncertain’ (Sentence in the Telegraph Newspaper, 2010). So, as far as predictability and visibility go, it appears very difficult to predict with confidence the extent to which the UK economy will recover in 2010, with many anticipating a slow process because ‘the economy remains weighed down by a still fragile banking sector and high consumer and government debt levels’ (Seager, 2010). With regards to Changeability and complexity, there is a general election expected in May this year and there is a strong possibility of a change of Government (,, 2010), which will bring about a change in Government policy towards businesses, for example, the Conservative Party are pledging a cut in corporation tax. (, 2010). Adding to the complexity is the recent return to a 17.5% VAT rate that adds more financial pressure to consumers in an already struggling market. The recession may have ended but analysts are not expecting too much change in spending as ‘economic downturn is squeezing spending power and that pressure will con tinue into 2010’ (Mintel, Oct 2009). Given the reasonably turbulent conditions, organisations must change its strategies, and possibly its beliefs if it is to maintain its ability to handle changes in the environment (Thompson, 2005). So strategy cannot be made for years into the future because of the uncertain nature of the environment. Strategy should focus on the upcoming year until the turbulence reduces. 4.2 PEST Analysis PEST Analysis is a focus on the macro environment and which factors will change the external environment in the years to come. Johnson et al (p.54) states â€Å"The environment is what gives organisations their means of survival. However the environment is also a source of threats.†â€Å"The macro environment is the highest-level layer. This consists of broad environmental factors that impact to a greater or lesser extent on almost all organisations.†Therefore a good analysis of the macro environment is critical to success but should als o be as general and non-specific as possible, this leads to one of the down falls of PEST that it can be a very useful tool when analysing the macro environment but also its general nature can be its downfall if it becomes little more than a huge list of factors in a shopping list fashion.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Coursework for Critical and Postmodern Theories of Organizations Essay
Coursework for Critical and Postmodern Theories of Organizations - Essay Example critical ideas have offered scepticism regarding the moral defensibility and the social and ecological sustainability of prevailing conceptions and forms of management in an organization. The critical ideas have focussed much on the social injustice and environmental destructiveness of the social and economic systems that managers and firms serve and reproduce hence changing the way the managers behave. In determination of how critical ideas have changed the way managers behave in an environment, I have to analyze a critical communication theory. A critical communication theory was developed to ensure that financial health and stability of a corporation while increasing the representation of the employees and their human interests. The proponents of critical ideologies explain the difference between managerial control and co-determination. They argue that strategy of managers is the overt managerial move to extend control. In this sense, employers try to put their employees in a set routine without the employees realizing it hence this restricts the employees and doesn't allow them to express their feelings or thoughts (Alvesson 1996). In this theory, it is argued that consent is the convert control without objection hence it is where the employees know about the routine and realize they are working in an environment that restricts them but does it willingly or at least for understandable reasons. On the other hand, involvement is the free expression of ideas and these ideas come from the corporation and its managers. They argue that the employees are involved only because they want to make sure their grievances are heard and managers see this as a chance for the employees to blow off some steam. However, the voice of the employees can only be heard when they go from involvement to participation hence participation is where employees have a chance to speak their minds and ideas. They argue that it is only through this that the employees can take pride in their work and have company loyalty (Horrocks, 2009). From the above, it is obvious that a manager who adopts these ideas would include the employees in the decision making of the company since he would want to avoid publicity through anti- management riots and media focus. The ideals in this theory are more socialist as opposed to capitalist hence if a manager adopts them; employees would determine much how the company works. Therefore a critical theory approach explores ways to ensure financial health of institutions while also increasing the representation of diverse human interests. From this, organizations are regarded as political as well as financial institutions. These ideas also show how communication practices often distort decision- making within institutions. These ideas have made the managers to change their behaviours in the way they carry out their managerial responsibilities. The theory has also considered the corporate colonization of everyday life through intrusive prese nce of big corporations, concentration in a few brands, media pre occupation with corporate health more than indices of social health and a decrease in the quality of life. This theory thus
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