Friday, March 20, 2020
Human Development Across the Lifespan Essays
Human Development Across the Lifespan Essays Human Development Across the Lifespan Paper Human Development Across the Lifespan Paper psychodynamic 1. Advocates of the __________ perspective believe that much of behavior is motivated by inner, unconscious forces, memories, and conflicts of which a person has little awareness of control . social cognitive learning 2. Jerome learns about etiquette by observing how his father interacts with his mother. This type of learning can be described as________. qualitative; quantitative 3. Piaget’s view assuming that thinking undergoes_________ advances, but the information-processing approach assumes that development is marked by________ advances. microsystem 4. Your family, friends, and classmates are part of your: some experiments would be unethical 5. Why don’t lifespan researchers always use experiments? Children are more or less more of a â€Å"blank slate†written on by others or the environment, rather than active participants in their development. 6. Key issues in Lifespan development includes all of the following EXCEPT Interactions with each others and society across the lifespan 8. Erik Erikson’s psychosocial stages of development focus on: a critical period 9. We watched a YouTube clip of young geese imprinted on Konrad Lorenz at birth. This is an example of___________. amniocentisis 10. Which test can be used to accurately (definitively) determine the sex of the child: Poverty rates have gradually decreased in the U.S. during the last decade False a recent increase in alcohol consumption by pregnant women 12. A recent report said that maternal death rates in the U.S. are rising, and suggested that this may be due to all of the following EXCEPT: goal directed behavior 13. Baby Dionne is playing in her crib and reaches to pull back a blanket that is partially covering the teddy bear that she wants to play with. Piaget would say that this is an example of ________. secondary circular reaction 14. Ryan accidently hits his crib and it makes an interesting noise. Ryan decides to repeat the action again. This is known as ________. folic acid; spina bifida 15. Any woman who could become pregnant should be sure she gets enough _______ to prevent ________ in her infant if she did become pregnant. reaction range 16. The nature vs nurture, genetics usually set a range of possibilities called passive 17. A child’s biological parents (with whom she lives) chooses and educational toys for her, and because she is genetically related to them, she readily accepts and uses these objects. This is an example of the __________ genotype-environment effect. there is no scientific evidence in bonding in humans 18. Research on bonding in humans indicates that_________. depth perception 19. The visual cliff is used to test infants_________. plasticity 20. ___________ refers to the idea that a developing structure (like the young brain) or a behavior is modifiable due to experience. Has more antibodies to prevent against disease and may improve brain development Breast milk: embryonic stage 22. What is the name of the period from 2 to 8 weeks following fertilization during which significant growth occurs in the major organs and body system? polygenic inheritance 23. For many human characteristics, a combination of multiple gene pairs is involved in producing a particular characteristic. This is known as: classical conditioning 24. One- and two-day-old newborns who are stroked on the head just before breast feeding and receiving a sweet- tasting liquid soon learn to suck and turn their head at the head stroke. This is an example of: infants have rudimentary mathematical skills 25. The study illustrated in the textbook with Mickey Mouse statuettes in which the statues were hidden behind a barrier and then revealed led to the conclusion that___________. neonatal jaundice 26. Katherine was born five weeks premature. Because her liver did not work efficiently at first, she developed a yellowish tinge to her body. What is this condition? habituation 27. A newborn who shows interest and surprise at first seeing a novel toy but may not show interest after seeing the same toy several times is demonstrating what type of learning (when she no longer shows interest)? principle of heirarchial integration 28. Once Hannah has learned to control and combine the movement of her fingers, she quickly learned how to grasp and reach her rattle. This skill illustrates the: synaptic pruning 29. If a babies experience do not stimulate certain nerves or nerve connections, then these nerve connections will be eliminated, a process known as _______________. myelin 30. What is the fatty substance that help helps insulate neurons and spread the transmission of nerve impulses? rooting 35. What is the term for the reflex where the neonate tends to turn its head towards things that touch its cheek? 12 36. Babies are typically able to walk independently (i.e. without holding on to objects around __________months of age. direct motor behavior 37. Piaget argued that infants acquire knowledge through__________. infantile amnesia 38. Most people cannot remember their early childhood, a phenomenon known as________. automization 39. __________ refers to the degree to which an activity requires attention. assimilation 40. Eight-month-old Kimberly responds to her first plum by rolling it around her high chair tray as if it was her red rubber ball. This demonstrates the Piagetian process of: experimentation 41. Piaget observed his son Laurent dropping a toy swan repeatedly, varying the position from which he dropped it, [and] carefully observing each time to see where it fell. This is an example of: mental representation 42. Piaget calls an internal image of past events or objects a(n)________ deferred imitation 43. When a child is able to pretend that he/she is able to drive a car, feeding a doll, or cooking dinner after he/she has witnessed such scene, and the person the child witnessed doing the activity is no longer present, this is called: nativistic approach 44. What is the term for the theory that is genetically determined, innate mechanism directs language development (this was Chomsky’s theory)? Children prefer it, it is related to linguistic competence, and it is related to early acquisition of words 45. It is important to speak to your child using infant-direct speech because________. complexities 46. Contemporary approaches to infant intelligence suggest that the_________ with which infants process information may correlate most strongly with later intelligence. Their ability to use sign language starting at about 6 months and their ability to perform deferred imitation tasks earlier than Piaget believed 47. What evidence has been used to suggest that children have attained some level of symbolic representation at a younger age than Piaget had suggested? Putting a baby to sleep on its back 48. Which of the following is NOT a risk factor for SIDS for babies who are less than 5 months old? mothers consumption of alcohol during pregnancy 49. The primary, PREVENTABLE cause of mental retardation is: responses to the environment 50. Dr. Brazelton developed an assessment called the Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale primarily to assess: Increased cognitive abilities of the infant Emerging bonds with the parents 1. Separation anxiety and stranger anxiety that begin after the first year represent: An infant sees her fathers facial expression of encouragement and her mothers facial expression of fear 2. In which of the following scenarios is social referencing most likely to be stressful for and infant: food alone is insufficient to bring about attachment 3. Harry Harlow’s class study with the cloth and wire monkeys illustrates that _________ rhythmicity 4. An infant keeps a very regular schedule of hunger, sleep, and excretion. This relates to which dimension of temperament. primary circular 5. According to Piaget, an infant who at first by chance gets her thumb in her mouth and then purposefully repeats the action is exhibiting: in the first 18 months of life 6. According to Erikson, when do children pass through the trust- vs.- mistrust stage: goodness of fit 7. The term _________ reflects how well parents match or work with their child’s behavior. For example, my nephew had a difficult temperament but became easier over time as his mother reacted to him with warmth and consistency. In some instances is associated with abusive parenting May lead to dissocociative experiences in adolescence 8. The disorganized/disoriented attachment style_________ Sensitivity to their infants needs and desires 9. What is the hallmark of mothers of securely attached infants? reciprocal socialization 11. The process in which infants behaviors invite further responses from†¦about the father responses from infants is________. a sense of self awareness 12. As discussed in class, a red spot was put on an elephant’s head and placed in front of a mirror to look at. The elephant looked at the mirror and used his trunk to touch his reflection, researchers doing this suggested that the elephant has future academic success Head Start was designed to promote_______. slow to warm 14. According to Thomas and Chess, ¬Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ¬__________ babies are inactive reactions to their environments and may initially withdrawn from new situations theory of mind 15. My dog Chet exhibited his own________ when he tricked the other dog for a treat by pretending there was a possum or raccoon in the back yard. play with her 16. What is Fred most likely to spend time doing with his infant daughter? fast mapping 17. What is the term for instances in which new words are associated with their brief encounter? transformation 18. A 4-year old child is asked to draw a pencil falling. The child draws the pencil falling horizontal with no stages in between. The child shows that she does not understand Most common kind of illness preschool yearsMay help children build up immunity to severe illnesses Mat promote coping skills minor illnesses such as colds No TV / 1-2 hrs. a day 20. The average preschooler watches 21 hours of TV a week, but the American Accociation of Pediatrics recommends________ for kids under 2 and ________over that. Tiny amounts of lead typically do not harm most children 21. Which of the following about lead poisoning is FALSE? spatial relationships 22. The left hemisphere of the brain becomes more specialized during the p†¦.following areas except: Increased criminal convictions by age 30, for those who like TV violence Increased bullying and aggressive behaviors An inscensitivity for the suffering of victims of violence. 23. The impacts of watching violent programs on TV includes_______. preschool years 24. Which of the following stages is a period where the general level of physical and †¦are extraordinary high centration 25. Madeline is working to teach 4-year-old daughter, Eliza, how to count. She places in one row with very little space between the buttons, and the 8 buttons in another row†¦ between the buttons; therefore, the second row is longer than the first. Then Madeline asked daughter which row has more buttons. Inevitably, Eliza chooses the second row ,†¦knows that 10 is more than 8. What is this an example of? their memory is fragile and easily changed 26. Which of the following is true about children’s, particularly preschoolers eye witness testimony? they lack understanding of conservation When giving kids in the 2-7 year age range glasses of organic apple juice, it helped†¦ same size cup because they have difficulty accepting the idea that a short, wide cup †¦much as a tall skinny glass, that is________ they should begin when they show signs of readiness 28. According of the American Acadamy of Pediatrics, when should children be potty trained? Helps children solve problems and reflect on difficulties they encounter. 29. According to Vygotsky, private speech______. flexible 30. Brazelton suggests a_______ approach to toilet training. collectivism 31. _________ is a philosophy that promotes the notion of independence Try to do more and more things independently and may become frustrated and afraid to fail. Erikson says that Preschool aged children tend to: associative 33. What is the term for play in which two or more children actually interact with sharing or borrowing of materials, although they do not do the same thing? Boys are shaped more towards independence, girls towards dependence 34. In terms of gender, which of the following is TRUE? social-learning approach 35. Three-year-old Susan is exposed to repeats of older television programs which†¦men in highly traditional roles and have a powerful influence in her identification of male behavior. The explanation for Susan’s gender development is based on the: Watch the kids and start doing what they are doing 36. What is a â€Å"skilled†way for children to enter into group play? authoritative 37. Leo and Mary use firm control with their children but encourage communication in rule setting within the family. What is their parenting style? motivation to achieve 38. Maurice and Mary are children of authoritarian parents. They are likely to†¦ of the following characteristics (based on their gender) EXCEPT: Kids are less likely to internalize their parents rulesAre more likely to be aggressive 39. As a result of spanking, ________ cycle of violence 40. The ________ hypothesis points to the likelihood that person†¦. May turn into abusive as adults â€Å"I have brown eyes and black hair†41. Jamie is a 4-year-old girl. When asked to describe herself she is most likely to say: mildly retarded 42. Ted is mentally retarded, having an IQ of 65, he is a janitor, can read and write and lives in an apartment by himself. What classification of mental retardation does he have? scaffolding 43. What is the term used to describe the support a child might receive that does something she can’t do independently? De-center and reverse operations 47. According to Piaget, during concrete operational stage kids first begin: fluid intelligence 48. When you are playing arcade games and attempting to drive a car†¦.the type of intelligence you would be using would be_____. sensorimotor 51. The first stage of cognitive development according to Piaget is: quantitative 54. The information processing approach emphasized changes in development is called: goal directed behavior 57. Baby Dionne is playing in her crib†¦ pull back blanket that is covering teddy bear she wants to play with.. this is an example of: direct motor behavior 58. Piaget argued that infants acquire knowledge through: accommodation 59. John makes minor changes to his schemes every time he has a new†¦called: mental representation 60. Piaget called an internal image of a past event or object a(n): tends to be increasingly related to particular competencies tends to increase during elementary school tends to decline slightly upon entering middle school Self- esteem during middle childhood for European- American kids: It protects ones self image What is the effect of making downward social comparisions? conventional morality A seventh grade student is tempted to cheat on an exam, but talks himself out of it because he is afraid he will get caught and flunk the course. The student is demonstrating: The original work was done primarily on white males and doesn’t fit women An individuals judgments are not the same as their actual behaviors Criticism of Kohlberg’s work on moral development include: Morality of nonviolence What is Carol Gilligan’s final stage of moral development for women? Teach kids to leave situations in which bullying can occur Teach kids to not get upset by the bully’s taunts Teach them they are not responsible for the bully’s behavior Which of the following can help victims stop bullying? experience sleep problems, anxiety and depression within the first 2 years tend to recover to pre-divorce levels of function within 2 years of the divorce . Most children of divorce; tend to exhibit few differences compared to other families Families with gay and lesbian parents: Girls typically fare worse once their mother has remarried 12. Which of the following is TRUE about divorce/ remarriage? expectation- outcome Barbara expected more out of one of her students because she had †¦ student had excelled the previous year. When the student met her expectations†¦ egocentrism Which of the following is a type of thinking that is evident in both early childhood: metacognition Sally is able to take her understanding of the general concepts about how a to predict how pendulums with different weights might compare. She is using: glass ceiling The_________ effect refers to the limited promotions and career advancement often faced in the workplace. HPV Which very common STI has been identified as the leading causes of cervical cancer? false consensus effect Many adolescents begin to drink because conspicuous examples of drunkenness convince them to assume that everyone is drinking heavily. This is known as: identity achievement According to James Marcia the status of adolescents who commit to a particular of crisis during which they consider various alternatives is called: personal fable . Renee engages in unprotected sexual intercourse with her boyfriend because she doesn’t think she can get pregnant or that she could get a sexually transmitted disease, is an example of: virginity pledges Which is NOT one of the factors attributed to the decline in teenage pregnancy rates: sex cleavage At age 13, Julie hangs out with a group which consists of all girls, which is typical for a†¦ grouping is called: socialized delinquent Jeb is psychologically normal but shoplifts when pressured by his peers. How would†¦ controversial Adolescents who are liked by some and disliked by others are called: form intimate relationships According to Erikson, I Early adulthood one of the major tasks is to: Girls attempt suicide more frequently than boys Which of the following is an accurate statement about adolescents suicide? Comprehensive sex education programs are less effective than abstinence Which of the following is FALSE? obsessive fantasies Bipolar disorder is typically characterized by each of the following EXCEPT: hallucinations and delusions Schizophrenia is often characterized by: may be exhibited as confussion may be exhibited may be mis diagnosed as dementia In the elderly, depression: postformal thought When Sam was an adolescent, he saw the world in terms or â€Å"right or wrong†ideas he understands that what might be â€Å"right†for him might be â€Å"wrong†for someone else is more relativistic thinking called: binge and purge Individuals with bulimia practical intelligence Mary is a successful cheif executive officer of a marketing firm. She gained her success by being able to learn about the norms of appropriate behavior in the firm. Mary is high in: meta-memory when studying for this exam, you likely thought about the strategies †¦rehearsal or trying to come up with examples of the material. Thinking ahead is an example of_______. asthma Which of the following health problems of middle childhood has increases over the past several decades? sensorimotor The first stage of cognitive development according to Piaget: Limit where they go b/c of fear of a panic attack Individuals who have agoraphobia
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